Life outlook turns out to be maybe the most important aspect of healing although it evolved accidentally. I had been working hard for over six months with a middle-aged woman to help her with her pain and get her back to work. It was a bit of a struggle, but she steadily pulled out of her chronic pain. When it became time to have her return to work, she told me that she never had any intention of returning to work. I became upset and realized that I had never set any goals with her. I would have still addressed her pain, but the focus would have been different.



I began to ask every patient exactly why they were seeing me and what they wanted. What eventually became apparent was that goal setting is a core aspect of stimulating neuroplasticity. Your brain will develop wherever you place your attention. It is similar to learning a new language. You have to decide what you want your life to look like, what you want in it, and then pursue it. Otherwise you are still focused on the problem and not the solution.

Your personal vision

It is critical to connect with your personal life vision regardless of the level of your pain and suffering. How else will you be able to move forward? Developing your personal “business plan” is a major step in accomplishing this. Assume that your life is a “business” and that there are certain short and long-term goals you would like to achieve.  As with any business start-up, the chances of success are low without a written plan–the more detailed the better.

Here is a suggested TEMPLATE I have used to start and it eventually becomes quite detailed. Outside input and discussions with involved parties adds important dimensions.

Questions to Answer

Where to you want to go?

What and who do want in my life?

How am I going to get there?

No one can pull you out of the mire of pain except you.